Thursday 9 June – preview
5:30pm: Grand Debut of the First Ladies of the 5 Rioni, Palazzo dei Priori, Scala della Vaccara
6:00pm: Holy Mass and blessing ceremony of the Palio and the banners of the Rioni in the Cathedral S. Lorenzo
7:00pm: opening of the Taverns of Porta Eburnea (Giardini Carducci) and Porta San Pietro (Circolo del Tempo Bono, Via del Cortone, 9)
9:30pm: Grand concert of early music, Libercantus Choir (conductor Vladimiro Vagnetti) and Vokalensemble Choir Canzone 11 of Munich (conductor Tania Wawra), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Corso Bersaglieri
Friday 10th June
From 10.00am:
● Gran Tour Perugia: thematic guided tours around the city
● Visit to the Torre degli Sciri (13th century) to admire Perugia in its 360 ° beauty
● Immersive video “Perugia Folgora” (in loop until 8.00pm), Sala del Caminetto, Rocca Paolina
From 4:00pm: Itinerant exhibition of the Medieval Fanfare
7:00pm: Concert by the Choir of the Cantarine di Porta Sole accompanied by musicians (flute and psalter) and medieval dances, Stairs of the Vaccara, Palazzo dei Priori and Piazza IV Novembre. Opening of the Taverns of Porta Eburnea (Giardini Carducci) and Porta San Pietro (Circolo del Tempo Bono, Via del Cortone, 9)
9:30pm: Re-enactment of Braccio’s entrance into the city with his Bracceschi army –Compagnia del Grifoncello e Militia Bartolomei – meeting with the Consuls of the 5 Rioni, Piazza IV Novembre
10.00pm: Launch of the challenge notices between the Rioni from the Scala della Vaccara, Palazzo dei Priori
Saturday 11 June
From 10:00am:
● Opening of the Medieval Artisan District, Piazza IV Novembre
● Itinerant exhibition of the Medieval Fanfare
● “Been to Perugia?” guided theatrical tour through the historic center of the city, by Tieffeu and Perugia 1416 APS with the support of the Cassa of Risparmio of Perugia Foundation
● Visit to the Torre degli Sciri (13th century) to admire Perugia in its 360° beauty
● Immersive video “Perugia Folgora” (in loop until 8.00pm), Sala del Caminetto, Rocca Paolina
4:30pm: Sangemini flag-wavers show
5:00pm: The procession of the Regency starts from the Perugia1416 headquarters (Via Oberdan, 50) and meets Braccio and his soldiers (coming from Piazza Italia along Corso Vannucci) in Piazza IV Novembre. Re-enactment of the ceremony for the delivery of the keys to the city to the new lord of Perugia
5:45pm: Grand Historical Parade of the 5 Rioni and delegations from Montone, Corciano, Gualdo Tadino, Sangemini, Senigallia, Todi in honor of the new lord and delivery of gifts to him (the Parade takes place in Via Baglioni and starts from Piazza Italia, Parades Corso Vannucci ending in Piazza IV Novembre)
7:00pm: Drape Race, Corso Vannucci and Piazza IV Novembre
7:30pm: Resumption of the Medieval Fanfare and free dinner in the taverns (of Porta Eburnea and Porta San Pietro) or in the restaurants of the Center
9:30pm: Great night theater show with waders and fire eaters, Piazza IV Novembre
Sunday 12 June
From 10:00am:
● Opening of the Medieval Artisan District, Logge di Braccio and Piazza IV Novembre
● Gran Tour Perugia: thematic guided tours around the city
● Visit to the Torre degli Sciri (13th century) to admire Perugia in its 360 ° beauty
● Immersive video “Perugia Folgora” (in loop until 8.00pm), Sala
del Caminetto, Rocca Paolina
3:15pm: Procession to accompany the athletes from the Perugia1416 headquarters (Via Oberdan, 50) to the Cloister of San Lorenzo for historical Archery (at the end, the procession leaves for Piazza Matteotti)
3:30pm: Historic Archery competition, Cloister of San Lorenzo
5:00pm: The procession leaves for Piazza Matteotti
5:30pm: The Mossa alla torre, Piazza Matteotti. At the end of the race the procession and the athletes move towards Piazza IV Novembre
7:30pm: Proclamation of the winning Rione and assignment of the 2022 Palio
8:30pm: Medieval Dinner in Restaurants in the historical Center
Look for the Perugia1416 gadgets at the desk of the Association (Corso Vannucci), and complete your visit to medieval Perugia, from the Torre degli Sciri to the Rocca Paolina where you can’t miss the immersive video “Perugia Folgora”.
Been to Perugia? Meeting in front of Palazzo dei Priori. Free participation, reservations required, 075.5725845
Gran Tour Perugia: Reservations, also on Whatsapp, 371.3116801
Torre degli Sciri, Via dei Priori (in case of rain the tower cannot be visited). Info and reservations: Associazione Priori; 393.514579